...there's no place like the Turnpike

A displaced Jersey girl who adjusted to life in Kentucky just in time to head back home.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Like being in junior high...with a car

Well, I did it. For the next three months, I am officially living with my parents. Surprisingly, it's not so bad as it sounds. Sure, I'm away from my husband and living in the room I shared with my sister from age 8-14, but I am back east. I don't start work for another two weeks, so I have some time to get settled and things, which is nice. I have my first real grown up job, so I'v had to go out and buy some big girl clothes. I let my older sister take me, which I think she's been waiting her entire life for. I spent several days simply agreeing because, I've found, it makes my life much easier if I just say yes to my sisters. I'm on a dial-up connection, so my reports will be less frequent until I convince my father to step into the last millenium and get a high speed line. Plus, I can't seem to get AOL's web browser to let me put in line breaks, here...so this will be awkward for awhile. More later....


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