...there's no place like the Turnpike

A displaced Jersey girl who adjusted to life in Kentucky just in time to head back home.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

A Further Case for the Public Schools

While looking for an image, I found this, and it scares me. The true horror is in the number 5 reason to be homeschooled: "I get to study the gospel truth. I don’t have to worry about being fed humanism and evolution by my teachers and textbooks."

We can't have our children being exposed to other opinions. We must control everything they learn. They must only get our perspective on the world. We can't open their minds and expose them to independent thought.

Or, maybe, they're just afraid that exposing their kids to other ideas will make them realize how small-minded and unconvincing their own teachings are...


At 8:11 PM, Blogger Joe said...

We just finished homeschooling our two daughters--the 17 year old is a full time college student in what would've been her senior year of high school, and our 14 year old just returned to public school as a freshman.

In the course of networking with other homeschoolers we've had lots of encounters with wacky bible-thumpers over the years. Whew. It got to the point where I used to tell anyone who asked what kind of curriculum we used, I'd answer

"One based mainly on marksmanship. And Bible study."


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