...there's no place like the Turnpike

A displaced Jersey girl who adjusted to life in Kentucky just in time to head back home.

Monday, June 25, 2007

in The Church of Vagueries Part II

That same quaint brick corner church has changed its sign of platitudes several times since last I wrote about it. Now it says "Be quiet enough to hear G-d's whisper."


So, people who make noise can't hear what they need to be a good person?

Does this include making noise about the wrongs we see around us? And standing up for the little guy? That involves noise. So does the making a difference they mentioned back in April.

So the lord wants us to sit quietly by and wait in silence in case he/she/it wants to whisper to us? When we see things that we object to or that we think needs to change, we have to be quiet enough to hear the lord's whisper.

I won't poison your minds by telling you what denomination this church is, but I certainly hope these little messages aren't an indication of the entire faith's opinions.


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