...there's no place like the Turnpike

A displaced Jersey girl who adjusted to life in Kentucky just in time to head back home.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Sometimes, really stupid people get sick

Sometimes I wish the moron TB patient from Atlanta would just go away. He is continually trying to play himself as some sort of victim of the horrible CDC who was just doing what he thought was okay.

He was not some ordinary, uninformed Joe Schmoe. He is an educated man, an attorney. He has family who work in infectious diseases. Regardless of who told him what, I find it hard to believe that he didn't know that all TB is highly contagious, especially to those with whom you spend several hours in a confined place breathing recirculated air.

Even if he wasn't totally aware of the risks, most people upon being told they had TB would call up their uncle who worked on it and get his advice. And any ethical researcher would say "Well, I know you wanted to get married in Greece, Andrew, but if you get on an airplane, you run the risk of infecting a lot of innocent people. Why not drive to Atlantic City instead?"

But instead, the arrogant jerk got on a plane, risked infecting dozens of people, including his new wife, and now calls the press every few days explaining why he is the victim here. And he expects us to pity him.


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