...there's no place like the Turnpike

A displaced Jersey girl who adjusted to life in Kentucky just in time to head back home.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

My Biggest Fear

I'm terrified of bats. Really terrified. But that isn't it.

My biggest fear is that my life has become utterly and completely dull.

So dull that I no longer even have anything to contribute to conversations.

I've got several close friends that I've wanted to call or e-mail since moving back to NJ, but I'm afraid I would just bore them all to death, so I've refrained.

Same goes for friends I left behind in Kentucky and Ohio that are probably wondering if I got lost somewhere in Pennsylvania on my way here. Although, if they were truly worried, I'd like to think they'd have called someone by now...

I'm hoping this is a temporary state of being. My husband in back in Kentucky. I'm living in the bedroom I used to share with my older sister in my parents' house in the same small town where I spent the first 18 years of my life. My only high school friend who I'm still enough in touch with to want to see just had her tonsils out. My college friends all seem to live closer to where I work than where I'm living. I was never old enough in this one horse town to do anything more exciting than playing air hockey at the mall.

But what if this is just who I am now. I'm old and married and have a responsible adult job and the excitement is over. But even worse, I don't have kids yet, so I can't discuss their antics to make me seem exciting.

What will become of my blog if this dullness is terminal?


At 6:34 PM, Blogger wonderturtle said...

I think we all worry about this. It's TV's fault. Remember, you don't have to 1-up anybody on events, just wow them with your stunning intellect and analysis. ;) Can't wait to see you!


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