...there's no place like the Turnpike

A displaced Jersey girl who adjusted to life in Kentucky just in time to head back home.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Utter chaos has prevented me from posting lately.
I'm living in my parents' guest room (still). My life right now exists mostly in scattered cardboard boxes and my car.
The husband and I have been having a battle of wills over just what sort of house we intend to live in.
My computer died a slow and ugly death from which it may never return. This will require the copying of all of my music from my iPod onto a new hard drive (again). This is a slow and painful process.
I suck at holiday shopping and just when I thought I was done, my mother thwarted my plan of giving her a bluetooth headset by getting one free when she changed her service.
The buyer for our old home wants to be in before my husband can be out. This is no problem, except that we need a foster home for our kitties. And the aforementioned buyer is being a pain.
On happier news, just after Christmas, we will be in temporary housing, which means I'll have regular internet access again.
I'll be back soon!


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