...there's no place like the Turnpike

A displaced Jersey girl who adjusted to life in Kentucky just in time to head back home.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

People who would be in jail if I ruled the world

* Anyone who uses a cell phone in a theater.

* 30 mph in the left lane on any major highway.

* Loud talkers in public restrooms.

* People who pay $10 or less with a credit card.

* People who pay $1 or more with large amounts of pennies.

* Unattended children running wild in restaurants/stores and their negligent parents.

* People who take up more seats than necessary in crowded places.

* Aisle blockers at the grocery store.

* Anyone stopping to have an extended conversation in a busy doorway or throughway.


At 9:30 AM, Blogger wonderturtle said...

I regularly use my debit card at Starbucks.

Will you at least write to me?

At 6:22 PM, Blogger jerseyaikidogirl said...

Starbucks is an exception. Their prices are higher than some people's mortgages.


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