...there's no place like the Turnpike

A displaced Jersey girl who adjusted to life in Kentucky just in time to head back home.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

All summer in a day

One of my favorite Ray Bradbury stories is about a class of children who live on Mars (I think it was Mars, it's usually Mars) and on Mars the sun only comes out for two hours once every seven years. The rest of the time it is gray and rainy.

These children are young and so they have never seen the sun. They've lived their entire lives indoors with sun lamps. All of them except for one little girl. She moved there from Earth when she was older and so she remembered what warm sunny days were like. The children were getting ready for their first day of sun and this little girl was telling the rest of them what the sun was like.

The other children got angry that she had seen the sun already and so, to get even, they locked her in a supply closet just before the sun came out and she missed the whole thing.

This is what the past week has felt like.


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