...there's no place like the Turnpike

A displaced Jersey girl who adjusted to life in Kentucky just in time to head back home.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Does this make me a bad person?

I normally love kids. Ask anyone who knows me. Unlike many childless people my age, I find it easy to talk to them. I generally "get" them and know how to get through to them. I am far from someone who merely tolerates them.

But there is one particular child, a boy of twelve now, that I just can't stand. I really like his parents and even his older sister, so I will do my best to limit the identifying details. But I have known this kid since he was around eight.

He was always one of those wound up, mouthy kids. At eight, it was almost cute, in a precocious sort of way. You could find ways to find him amusing. Plus, he was little. You always assumed he would outgrow it.

At ten, his behavior was a little immature, but he was the youngest of three children and you could see where life with two older sisters might have made him this way. It was safe to guess that he would calm down over the next few years and, like his sister before him, become a pretty cool teenager.

Now, he is twelve. Unlike most people, this is actually my favorite age. They're old enough to really talk to and occasionally tackle serious issues with, but they're still kids at heart. Despite their encroaching maturity, there is this charming innocence that kids this age try so hard to hide, but inevitably fail.

Not this kid.

What was precocious at eight is impertinent at twelve. Time has not calmed him. In fact, it may have made him a little crazier. He is in little brother mode constantly, at an age when most kids reserve little brother mode for home only. He's downright unpleasant to be around.

Yet, a part of me still feels guilty for disliking him. He's still just a kid.


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