I got married a few weeks ago and this was, as is customary, followed by a honeymoon. We aren't beach people. Well...I'm a beach people (what proper Jersey Girl isn't?) but he can't swim and burns in the sun. I think his version of hell probably involves a beach. We're doers. So, for our honeymoon we did...go to the UK and Ireland. It was a fabulous opportunity to learn about the way the English-speaking-non-US-world is seeing us right now.
1) Every Canadian I saw had a Canadian flag somewhere on their person. It was as if they were quietly conveying "Hey, I look like 'em, and I kinda talk like 'em, but I swear, I'm not one of 'em. See this flag. I'm okay. I'm peaceful. Leave me alone."
I have a friend who is Canadian. Her parents are Malaysian and Sri Lankan. Her husband is a white boy from Minnesota. When she and her husband and parents travelled to Sri Lanka, they asked him to wear a Canadian flag somewhere on his person to kind of play down the fact that he could have just as easily passed for an Army Ranger out of uniform.
2) Every time it came up in conversation that Americans are not the most popular people in the world right now, an Aussie or a Brit or a South African would pipe up that it wasn't our fault and, in fact, their own leader had his/her head somewhere kind of close to W's rear end. It's true. They don't blame us. They get that this is all some sort of cosmic practical joke and Ashton Kutcher's going to pop up any minute to tell us all we've been Punk'd.
3) Every English speaking non American who has ever travelled has been to America. And usually not to the cool places or the pretty ones. Usually to Vegas or the touristy parts of Florida. That's cool and all, but...we're more than drunken Spring Breakers, Mickey Mouse, show girls and gambling.
3a) Every one of the aforementioned world travellers really wants to see the cooler parts of the US. In fact, every one of them seems to want to see Kentucky because they've heard it's so pretty (it really is).
4) We got really lost in Edinburgh. Really lost. Like, headed towards a not-so-nice neighborhood lost. We stopped some random guy on the street and he was kind enough to walk us back to where we wanted to be. His commentary on America:
"I really wish they'd open a Denny's here. Ooh. And a Taco Bell. I like Taco Bell."
"You know what I really like in the US? When you go into a restaurant, you get actual service. People there are nice to you. Here they just kind of slam things down in front of you."
Look at that the nicest man in all of Edinburgh (as far as I'm concerned) thinks we're nice.
5) Everyone seems to have heard of the Kentucky Derby
Totally unrelated, but I was driving behind a car with the coolest vanity plate ever: MPECHW
Say it fast, you'll get it.
I don't know who you are....but I like you.