Does this mean I'm getting old?
Someone roped me into joining Facebook this week.
It's weird, because I keep getting friend requests from people I haven't talked to since high school. Some by choice.
It was nice chatting with the girls I was inseparable from in ninth grade (we didn't grow apart...just became less unseparable as I went the decidedly honors route and they went mostly just trying to get high school, your friends are whomever you have class with).
What's weird has been the friend requests from (a) people like the girl I only sort of knew because we were in a theater group together briefly her senior year/my freshman year of college (b) people like the girl I've known since we were 6, but not always as friends...she was part of the group that bullied me in middle school...
I accepted the request from (b) mostly so I could see her pictures since she's still friends with a lot of kids from high school that were in my life, but not necessarily friends. It was nice to see that the two boys I had huge crushes on in high school have both gotten out of shape and overweight and kind if ugly now that we're in our 30s. It's also interesting to see if we're old enough now to recognize the horrible things we did as kids and get past them.
I'm waiting for her to make the first contact...
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