Too far even for VH1
I had hoped the reality TV craze would die when the writers' strike ended. And I know I comment on bad TV far too often, but I have a lot of time to think at the gym.
Today, I watched something truly appalling. I think it was called "Celebracadabra." It involved B-list former celebrities trying to eke out five more of their 15 minutes in the spotlight by being trained to be magicians.
Street magicians.
Watching Carnie Wilson and C. Thomas Howell and a Pussycat Doll and some comedian I'd never heard of named Ant duke it out for audiences outside Graumann's Chinese Theater caused physical pain. Seriously.
The actual magic tricks were halfway decent (each "celebrity" has a professional magician as a coach). The sniping and back-biting and showmanship was icky.
The cheesiest part, though, was the end. You are not cut from this show. You "disappear." Literally. Poor, not ready for street magic Carnie sat in an ornate chair, the host put a piece of fabric over her, waved his hands, pulled it off and she was gone.
Now if only that trick would work on an entire television network...